My description is : I am sweet, funny, cheeky, passionate, sexy, playful, cheerful. I can be your best friend and lover at the same time. I love to dance and do sports. I love to sing, eat delicious food, laugh at comedies and at life in general.


Years old


Hair color


Eye Color

Like & Dislike

I like: In this life, I like unpredictability and surprises the most. In people, I like a good sense of humor, care, the ability to talk about everything or chat about trifles, and, of course, charisma! In men, I am attracted to hot passion combined with caring sensuality, a good sense of humor that echoes real male strength. In love relationships, of course, I like sex! Lots of sex!

I don't like: I do not have anything I do not like in life. I accept it as it is, and I like it. I accept people with their peculiarities, strengths and weaknesses. In relationships, probably the most disgusting thing for me is lying. I hate lying! As for sex, I do not like being humiliated.



StacyCruzi was online: 2 seconds ago

Price: 3.99

Preference: straight

Breast size: normal

Build: curvy

Ethnicity: white

Hair Length: long

Sex: female

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